The Witchy Housewife

Metaphysical Shop & Library

The Witchy Housewife

Metaphysical Shop & Library

Tag: underworld

Witchcraft | Manifestation | Spirituality | Hearthkeeping | Herbal Living | Life Improvement | Khthonic Wicca | The Osmium Age

  • A Khthonic Wiccan Guide to Imbolc

    A Khthonic Wiccan Guide to Imbolc

    To those living in the Northern Hemisphere, I bid Imbolc’s blessings to all who celebrate! As we move into midwinter, we must remind ourselves that the darkest days are behind us and spring is just around the corner. This is a time of transformation, planning, and cleansing – all to prepare ourselves for the new […]

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  • Updates & Announcements, January 2025

    Updates & Announcements, January 2025

    Merry meet, my darlings. I am thrilled to share that there has been a great deal of momentum with this website over the past couple of months and there is a great deal still to come. It has been several months since our last update back when I’d first made the move from my previous […]

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  • An Introduction to the Path of the Realmwalker

    An Introduction to the Path of the Realmwalker

    The more I discover about the nature of reality, the less I feel I truly know.  I’ve had countless experiences – and read of countless more – that have left me baffled and in awe. Over the past several years, exploring the limits of our human ability to peel back and squeeze between the layers […]

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  • Updates & Announcements, March 2024

    Updates & Announcements, March 2024

    Hello, everyone! I have officially made the move to a new web host and have rebuilt my website from the ground up with a completely new look! At this time, I am still in the process of creating artwork, making adjustments to the overall appearance, and moving over some of the more minor details, so […]

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  • 10 Gift Ideas For Your Witchy Loved Ones

    10 Gift Ideas For Your Witchy Loved Ones

    Note: This article has been updated for 2023! 🎄❄️ Winter is right around the corner, darlings. Sugar-glazed pine trees, distant beckoning bonfires, fairy lights trimming every rooftop. It’s a truly beautiful season of rest and recovery, gratitude and giving. And it’s unfortunate that the fast-paced world we live in, among the many other cold and […]

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  • 10 Red Flags That Signal a Mystical Charlatan

    10 Red Flags That Signal a Mystical Charlatan

    As I have begun reworking the intuitive services available in my shop, I’ve found myself contemplating the current state of our culture and economy and the heightened sense of desperation these things can induce. While I firmly believe that, given the system we currently live within, those with a passion for the metaphysical should be […]

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  • 10 Common Myths About Witchcraft

    10 Common Myths About Witchcraft

    From the ethereal image of maidens dancing bare under the moonlight to the whimsical silhouettes of pointy hats and broomsticks, it’s no myth that the concept of witches and witchcraft has enchanted us throughout historic folklore and modern imagination. And as with all things muddied by word of mouth and veiled further by the overproduced […]

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  • The Beginner’s Guide to Divination

    The Beginner’s Guide to Divination

    No matter where you find yourself on your path, it’s a good idea to incorporate divination into your practice. It can provide a level of safety and guidance that you may not realize is necessary until the moment something unprecedented happens. In addition, divination can provide, for the more experienced, ample passages of communication between […]

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  • Reality & Spiritual Warfare: A Deep Dive

    Reality & Spiritual Warfare: A Deep Dive

    I’ve mentioned here and there about intuitive feelings about a sort of spiritual warfare occurring over the past decade, and recently, I felt called to do a bigger divination session to attempt to answer some of my more specific questions regarding this feeling. Initially, I was going to reserve this post for my Monthly Blessings […]

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  • The Newbie Witch’s Guide to Witchcraft

    The Newbie Witch’s Guide to Witchcraft

    There is a tremendous amount of information out there regarding witchcraft and the many paths that intersect with it – and certainly more than was available when I began my studies. Even back then, in the days of fumbling over forums and scrounging through static web pages, I found myself a bit overwhelmed as a […]

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