Refund & Returns Policy

Refunds & Exchanges

At this time, we do not offer refunds or accept returns or exchanges unless your order has arrived incorrect or damaged. If your order has arrived incorrect or damaged, to be eligible for a refund or replacement, you must contact us within 30 days of purchase and be able to provide photographs of the goods you received as well as proof of purchase. If your goods display signs of use – up to our discretion – a refund or replacement may not be made available to you. Otherwise, all sales are final.

Exchanges may be made in the case of an incorrect item being shipped. As this would be due to an error on our part, we are happy to send the correct item to you and ask that you return the incorrect item(s) to us. In such a case, a USPS shipping label for your return will be provided. Please contact us here.

It is very important to us to provide quality customer service and to be fair and transparent in our practices. To avoid fraudulent circumstances, please note that all situations regarding refunds, exchanges, or replacements are entirely up to our discretion. You agree to these terms automatically upon purchasing from us.


For other questions regarding our goods and services, please contact us here.