The Witchy Housewife

Metaphysical Shop & Library

The Witchy Housewife

Metaphysical Shop & Library

The Witchy Housewife’s


🠜 The Energy Key System

The Book of Correspondences: The Elements

The Planets 🠞

Table of Contents


Qualities: Non-Material | Direction: Within & Without | Color: Octarine* | Geometry: Dodecahedron | Theos: Aither

The pentacle, which I associate with the element of Aither.

Also referred to as the First/Fifth Element and Quintessence (𝓠), the element of Aither (αἰθήρ; also transliterated as æther, aether, & ether) is best defined, from my own studies on the topic, as the Kosmic element of creation which surrounds and permeates all things. It has been compared to both pure air and fiery light but said to be much more subtle. As a non-material substance, it also does not possess the same sort of qualities as the classical elements, such as hot/cold or wet/dry. Instead, it is an unseen force for creation that stems from and resides predominately in Kosmic and Galactic/Celestial regions and also acts as a sort of Kosmic glue – that which is Khaos made Kosmos, the organization of infinite potential. Some say it is more abundant the higher you travel.

The only sort of “property” that has been attributed to it is that of circular, cyclical motion, similarly to how the chakras may be described. The concept of Aither may also be compared (but not necessarily equated) to concepts such as akasha (आकाश), prana (प्राण), shakti (शक्ति), qi (氣), (空), void, mana, spirit, space, orgone, energy, and vital energy/life force. *Borrowing from the mind of Terry Pratchett, I tend to associate the element of aether with the imaginary color of octarine, also known as the “color of magic”.


Hermetic Quaternary: To Know | Tarot/Tool: Sword/Dagger/Wand | Qualities: Warm, Wet, Light, Active | Gender: Masculine | Direction: East | Season: Spring | Color: Yellow | Geometry: Octahedron | Olympian: Hermes | Pillar: Hyperion | Archangel: Raphael | Infernal: Lucifer | Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius | Elemental: Sylphs | Nymphe: Aurai | Humor: Blood | Temperament: Sanguine

The alchemical symbol for the element of Air.

Energy Keys: Beginnings, blessings, connection, enchantment, repulsion, freedom, community, accomplishment, fame, skills, success, travel, friendship, honesty, reconciliation, happiness, clarity, communication, creativity, focus, guidance, influence, inspiration, intelligence, knowledge, learning, memory, cleansing, invisibility, reversal, awakening, enlightenment, meditation, projection, psychic ability, angelic realm, afterlife realm, cosmic realm, space/time, spirit work.

The element of Air (ᾱ̓ήρ; also transliterated as aer) is one of the four classical elements which is associated with intellect, imagination, communication, and movement. It is ephemeral and intangible, like thoughts, and lacks visible manifestation, which makes its energy best used for manifestations of the mind – be it for yourself, for others, or when creating a line of communication. When the energy of Air is overly abundant, it can lead to chattiness, overzealous and distracting thoughts, and judgement backed by pseudo-intellectualism. When the energy of air is too scarce, it can lead to stagnation, scattered and incoherent thoughts, and pessimistic or nihilistic outlooks on life.

The air dagger, as an elemental weapon in ceremonial magick, has a hilt which is colored yellow with violet inscriptions. The working tool typically associated with it, however, is the wand, which is used for casting circle and opening lines of communication. Air magick is best used for travel (of any kind), improving charismatic or intellectual pursuits, discovering new information or experiences, finding solutions to problems, clearing away and releasing energies, and ensuring that messages are carried out and delivered to where they need to be. To utilize Air energy laced with your own essence, the breath may be used.

The ideal conditions for utilizing air energy are during a windy day beneath an open sky in a high place. It is abundant on/in mountaintops, windy open plains, airplanes/airports, high towers/skyscrapers, schools, libraries, offices, and art studios. It is also dominant in plants that quicken or carry a light, fresh, or fleeting scent.


Hermetic Quaternary: To Will | Tarot/Tool: Staff/Wand/Athame/Boline | Qualities: Warm, Dry, Light, Active | Gender: Masculine | Direction: South | Season: Summer | Color: Red | Geometry: Tetrahedron | Olympian: Ares | Pillar: Krios | Archangel: Michael | Infernal: Sathanas | Astrology: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius | Elemental: Salamanders | Nymphe: Lampades | Humor: Yellow Bile | Temperament: Choleric

The alchemical symbol for the element of Fire.

Energy Keys: Amplification, control, chaos, enchantment, endings, growth, rebirth, repulsion, home/hearth, accomplishment, justice, manifestation, success, lust, sensuality, confidence, courage, motivation, passion, shadow self, creativity, influence, banishment, blockbusting, protection, reversal, empowerment, projection, demonic realm.

The element of Fire (from Old English fyr) is one of the four classical elements which is associated with power, passion, transformation, and domination. It is ephemeral and tangible, like actions, and brings quick and fleeting manifestation, which makes its energy best used for manifestations which call for dramatic and sudden change, whether it is creative or destructive in nature. When the energy of fire is overly abundant, it can be lead to violence and wrath, oppressive domination, and excessive pride. When the energy of fire is too scarce, it can lead to total apathy, inferiority complexes, and boredom/laziness.

The fire wand, as an elemental weapon in ceremonial magick, is painted red and divided into three parts by four yellow bands with green inscriptions. The tip of the wand should be made to look like flame with yellow details that traditionally resemble the Semitic letter Yod. The working tool typically associated with it, however, is the athame, which is used for directing energy and charging wards. Fire magick is best used for the amplification of energies, the boosting of personal power, gaining an edge in situations of conflict, protective or defensive workings, and workings which require action to be taken. To utilize Fire energy laced with your own essence, sweat may be used.

The ideal conditions for utilizing fire energy are near a bonfire on a hot and sunny day. It is abundant in/near deserts, hot springs, volcanos, fireplaces, kitchens (while cooking), bedrooms (after sex), gyms, saunas, and athletic fields. It is also dominant in plants that are spicy in flavor and/or fragrance.


Hermetic Quaternary: To Dare | Tarot/Tool: Cup/Chalice/Cauldron | Qualities: Cool, Wet, Heavy, Passive | Gender: Feminine | Direction: West | Season: Autumn | Color: Blue | Geometry: Icosahedron | Olympian: Aphrodite | Pillar: Iapetos | Archangel: Gabriel | Infernal: Leviathan | Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces | Elemental: Undines | Nymphe: Okeanides | Humor: Phlegm | Temperament: Phlegmatic

The alchemical symbol for the element of Water.

Energy Keys: Attraction, blessings, restoration, sleep, healing, childbirth, family, fertility, beauty, friendship, kindness, love, reconciliation, romance, inner child, self-love, creativity, cleansing, awakening, meditation, psychic ability, trance state, astral realm, dream realm, space/time.

The element of Water (from Old English waeter) is one of the four classical elements which is associated with emotion, intuition, romance, leisure, and beauty. It is lingering and intangible, like feelings, and brings manifestations that may last but continuously morph in form, which makes its energy best used instead for inner workings the benefit from such flexibility. When the energy of Water is overly abundant, it can lead to emotional hypersensitivity, physical vanity, and martyrdom. When the energy of Water is too scarce, it can lead to emotional apathy, lack of compassion, and uninspired or visually unpleasant acts of creative expression.

The water chalice, as an elemental weapon in ceremonial magick, is painted light blue with darker blue petals which are trimmed in orange with orange inscriptions. This is different from the working chalice, which is used for holding libations and liquid offerings. Water magick is best used for improving psychic ability, romanticization of perception, deep spiritual exploration, and workings associated with emotional energy. To utilize water energy laced with your own essence, blood (especially menstrual) may be used.

The ideal conditions for utilizing water energy are in a light rainstorm by the seashore. It is abundant in/near natural bodies of water, bedrooms (while sleeping), pools, baths, showers, spas, and fountains. It is also dominant in plants that soothe or thrive in damp environments.


Hermetic Quaternary: To Be Silent | Tarot/Tool: Pentacle | Qualities: Cool, Dry, Heavy, Passive | Gender: Feminine | Direction: North | Season: Winter | Color: Green | Geometry: Hexahedron | Olympian: Demeter | Pillar: Koios | Archangel: Uriel | Infernal: Belial | Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn | Elemental: Gnomes | Nymphe: Dryades | Humor: Black Bile | Temperament: Melancholic

The alchemical symbol for the element of Earth.

Energy Keys: Amplification, attraction, balance, blessings, growth, improvement, order, restoration, healing, agriculture, community, childbirth, family, fertility, home/hearth, peacefulness, security, abundance, business, justice, luck, manifestation, money, prosperity, loyalty, marriage, courage, inner peace, patience, memory, binding, grounding, protection, meditation, trance state, afterlife realm, fae realm.

The element of Earth (from Old English eorþe) is one of the four classical elements which is associated with growth, nurturing, stability, and binding. It is lingering and tangible, like physical bodies, and brings lasting manifestations that may take a bit of time to form, which makes its energy best used for manifestations intended to have long-term results. When the energy of Earth is overly abundant, it can lead to sluggishness, tunnel vision, and repetitive circumstances. When the energy of Earth is too scarce, it can lead to instability, carelessness, or dissociation.

The earth pentacle, as an elemental weapon in ceremonial magick, is a disk trimmed in white with black inscriptions, and at the center is a white hexagram overlaying four equal sections of yellow, green, black, and red. In my practice, I replace black with blue, having the colors represent the four classical elements. This is different from the working pentacle, which contains a pentagram rather than a hexagram and is used for charging and blessing. Earth magick is best used for manifesting material wealth and , fortifying protective barriers, healing of any kind, encouraging growth, keeping things static and unchanging, and grounding after spiritual workings or periods of instability. To utilize earth energy laced with your own essence, hair or nails may be used.

The ideal conditions for utilizing earth energy are in the woods during cooler weather. It is abundant in/near forests, caves, fields, farms, gardens, parks, farmer’s markets, kitchens (while eating), nurseries, and basements. It is also dominant in plants that sedate or are hearty or abundant.

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