The Witchy Housewife’s


🠜 The Planets

The Book of Correspondences: The Zodiac

The Sabbats 🠞

Dates: Dec. 22st – Jan. 19thKatasterismoi: Aigokeros (Aigipan)
Aspect: Earth – Symbol: The Sea-Goat – Ruler: Saturn – House: 10th

The constellation Capricorn, or Aigokeros (Αιγόκερως), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 10th zodiac sign, though it is the 1st constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Capricorn came to be when the Pan Aigipan, assuming the form of a fish-tailed goat, came to the aid of Zeus when he had been deprived of the sinews of his hands and feet. When Aigipan secretly restored the sinews, he was rewarded by being placed among the stars.

Capricorn is associated with structure, stability, tradition, authority, and dedication. Those under its influence tend to be introverted, tenacious, ambitious, resourceful, and wise in nature. When harnessing its energy, it is best used for actions which contribute to the overall structure or framework of a project. Its glyph represents a caricature of the sea-goat, including minimalistic depictions its beard and tail.

Astrological glyph for Capricorn.
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Symbol for Capricorn.
Constellation for Capricorn.

Dates: Jan. 20th – Feb. 18thKatasterismoi: Hydrokhoos (Ganymedes)
Aspect: AirSymbol: The Water-BearerRuler: UranusHouse: 11th

The constellation Aquarius, or Hydrokhoos (Ὑδροχόος), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 11th zodiac sign, though it is the 2nd constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Aquarius came to be when the beautiful Trojan Prince Ganymedes was carried off by an eagle sent down by Zeus and carried up into the heavens to serve as the cup-bearer of the gods. With this, Ganymedes became the constellation Aquarius, the eagle became the constellation Aquila, and his cup became the constellation Crater.

Aquarius is associated with innovation, novelty, momentum, freedom, and equality. Those under its influence tend to be eccentric, experimental, progressive, rebellious, and advocative in nature. When harnessing its energy, it is best used for workings of rebellion. Its glyph represents the water flowing freely from the vessel of the water-bearer.

Astrological glyph for Aquarius.
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Symbol for Aquarius.
Constellation for Aquarius.

Dates: Feb. 19th – Mar. 20thKatasterismoi: Ikhthyes (Ikhthyes)
Aspect: WaterSymbol: The FishRuler: NeptuneHouse: 12th

The constellation Pisces, or Ikhthyes (Ιχθυες), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 12th zodiac sign, though it is the 3rd constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Pisces came to be when Aphrodite and Eros threw themselves into the river Eridanos disguised as two river fish to flee from the monster Typhoeus as he attacked Olympos. In memory of the event, a pair of fish were placed among the stars.

Pisces is associated with compassion, intuition, sensitivity, mysticism, and romanticism. Those under its influence tend to be perceptive, sympathetic, spiritual, impressionable, and dreamy. When harnessing its energy, it is best used for divination sessions or dream incubation. Its glyph represents two fish swimming in opposite directions.

Astrological glyph for Pisces.
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Symbol for Pisces.
Constellation for Pisces.

Dates: Mar. 21st – Apr. 19thKatasterismoi: Krios (Krios Khrysomallos)
Aspect: FireSymbol: The RamRuler: MarsHouse: 1st

The constellation Aries, or Krios (Κριός), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 1st zodiac sign, though it is the 4th constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Aries came to be when the cloud-nymphe Nephele sent a flying, golden-fleeced ram to rescue her children Phrixos and Helle who were to be sacrificed to the gods. Though Helle had fallen on the flight, when Phrixos made it to Kolkhis at the far end of the Black See, the ram instructed him to sacrifice him to the gods and to lay his fleece in the grove of Ares, after which the ram was placed among the stars.

Aries is associated with leadership, assertiveness, resiliency, action, and force. Those under its influence tend to be independent, decisive, fearless, vigorous, and combative. When harnessing its energy, it is best used for kickstarting something new. Its glyph represents the horns of the ram.

Astrological glyph for Aries.
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Symbol for Aries.
Constellation for Aries.

Dates: Apr. 20th – May 20thKatasterismoi: Tavros (Tavros Kretaios)
Aspect: EarthSymbol: The BullRuler: VenusHouse: 2nd

The constellation Taurus, or Tavros (Ταῦρος), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 2nd zodiac sign, though it is the 5th constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Taurus came to be when a handsome bull was sent out from the sea by Poseidon who mated with a disguised Queen Pasiphae of Krete to bring forth Minotauros. The bull was later made to be fetched by Herakles as one of his Twelve Labors, which had him placed among the stars beside other labors.

Taurus is associated with stability, dependability, sensuality, prosperity, and perseverance. Those under its influence tend to be self-indulgent, headstrong, steadfast, loyal, and possessive. When harnessing its energy, it is best used for things that you intend to be long-lasting. Its glyph represents the bull’s head and horns.

Astrological glyph for Taurus.
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Symbol for Taurus.
Constellation for Taurus.

Dates: May 21st – Jun. 20thKatasterismoi: Didymoi (Dioskouroi)
Aspect: AirSymbol: The TwinsRuler: MercuryHouse: 3rd

The constellation Gemini, or Didymoi (Δίδυμοι), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 3rd zodiac sign, though it is the 6th constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Gemini came to be when the twin sons of Zeus, Kastor and Polydeukes, were apotheosized at the time of their death. In order to both receive the gift, the twins had to appease the Moirai by alternating time in heaven and the underworld, and thus they were placed among the stars.

Gemini is associated with flexibility, adaptability, interaction, communication, and thought. Those under its influence tend to be sociable, responsive, inquisitive, versatile, and witty. When harnessing its energy, it is best used for things which you are okay with being easily changed by outside influence. Its glyph represents the twins joined together.

Astrological glyph for Gemini.
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Symbol for Gemini.
Constellation for Gemini.

Dates: Jun. 21st – Jul. 22ndKatasterismoi: Karkinos (Karkinos)
Aspect: WaterSymbol: The CrabRuler: LunaHouse: 4th

The constellation Cancer, or Karkinos (Καρκίνος), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 4th zodiac sign, though it is the 7th constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Cancer came to be when a giant crab from the Lernaian swamp aided Hydra in her battle with Herakles. As a reward for its service, Hera placed it among the stars.

Cancer is associated with tradition, homemaking, family, security, and contemplation. Those under its influence tend to be gentle, nurturing, conservative, protective, and sensitive. When harnessing its energy, it is best used for bringing about safe-feeling emotional harmony. Its glyph represents the claws of the crab.

Astrological glyph for Cancer.
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Symbol for Cancer.
Constellation for Cancer.

Dates: Jul. 23rd – Aug. 22ndKatasterismoi: Leon (Leon Nemeios)
Aspect: FireSymbol: The LionRuler: SolHouse: 5th

The constellation Leo, or Leon (Λέων), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 5th zodiac sign, though it is the 8th constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Leo came to be when a large lion whose hide was impenetrable terrorized the district of Nemea. When he was defeated as one of the labors of Herakles, Hera placed him among the stars.

Leo is associated with authority, warmth, influence, hospitality, and courage. Those under its influence tend to be regal, influential, welcoming, generous, and respected. When harnessing its energy, it is best used to enhance personal power. Its glyph represents the mane of the lion.

Astrological glyph for Leo.
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Symbol for Leo.
Constellation for Leo.

Dates: Aug. 23rd – Sep. 22ndKatasterismoi: Parthenos (Astraia)
Aspect: EarthSymbol: The MaidenRuler: MercuryHouse: 6th

The constellation Virgo, or Parthenos (Παρθένος), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 6th zodiac sign, though it is the 9th constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Virgo came to be when the goddess Astraia, who once walked among mankind, was driven away by the lawlessness of Bronze Age men. Zeus then placed her among the stars.

Virgo is associated with practicality, objectivity, problem-solving, intellect, and order. Those under its influence can be conscientious, intelligent, analytical, critical, and reserved. When harnessing its energy, it is best used for forming and solidifying habits. Its glyph represents the female sexual organs.

Astrological glyph for Virgo.
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Symbol for Virgo.
Constellation for Virgo.

Dates: Sep. 23rd – Oct. 22ndKatasterismoi: Zygos (Astraia)
Aspect: AirSymbol: The ScalesRuler: VenusHouse: 7th

The constellation Libra, or Zygos (Ζυγός), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 7th zodiac sign, though it is the 10th constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Libra came to be when the goddess Astraia, who once walked among mankind, was driven away by the lawlessness of Bronze Age men. Zeus then placed her among the stars, with her Scales of Justice represented by Libra.

Libra is associated with justice, fairness, diplomacy, respect, and accommodation. Those under its influence tend to be kind, refined, cooperative, level-headed, and well-rounded. When harnessing its energy, it is best used for bringing about social cooperation and equality. Its glyph represents a setting sun, when day and night are balanced.

Astrological glyph for Libra.
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Symbol for Libra.
Constellation for Libra.

Dates: Oct. 23rd – Nov. 21stKatasterismoi: Skorpios (Skorpios)
Aspect: WaterSymbol: The ScorpionRuler: PlutoHouse: 8th

The constellation Scorpio, or Skorpios (Σκορπιός), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 8th zodiac sign, though it is the 11th constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Scorpio came to be when a giant scorpion was sent by Gaia to slay the giant Orion. After the encounter, the two were placed among the stars as their respective constellations.

Scorpio is associated with passion, power, competition, strategy, and mystery. Those under its influence tend to be loyal, curious, secretive, perceptive, and cunning. When harnessing its energy, it is best used for workings which require intensity or dramatic transformation. Its glyph represents the male sexual organs.

Astrological glyph for Scorpio.
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Symbol for Scorpio.
Constellation for Scorpio.

Dates: Nov. 22nd – Dec. 21stKatasterismoi: Toxotes (Kheiron)
Aspect: FireSymbol: The ArcherRuler: JupiterHouse: 9th

The constellation Sagittarius, or Toxotes (Τοξότης), is one of the twelve zodiakos kyrklos (“circle of small animals”) we recognize in Western astrology. It is considered the 9th zodiac sign, though it is the 12th constellation to be prominent in the commonly-observed solar year. The mythos tells us that Sagittarius came to be when Kheiron, the eldest of the Kentauroi, when he was poisoned by an arrow of Herakles. In his unbearable pain, he voluntarily relinquished his immortality and was placed among the stars by Zeus.

Sagittarius is associated with optimism, freedom, opportunity, luck, and fun. Those under its influence tend to be outspoken, adventurous, enthusiastic, spiritual, and restless. When harnessing its energy, it is best used for working which require growth or expansion. Its glyph represents the archer’s arrow slung in a bow.

Astrological glyph for Sagittarius.
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Symbol for Sagittarius.
Constellation for Sagittarius.